Be a part of this once-in-a-generation effort to restore an instrument that has inspired PCC worshipers for 63 years.
Choose a donation level, then imagine your pipe’s voice playing before first-time visitors in community concerts.
We invite you to be a part of this restoration journey by sponsoring a pipe for as little as $25.
When you sponsor a pipe, you will not only contribute to the preservation of this musical masterpiece, but you will also have the joy of hearing your pipe announce Easter mornings, sing out celebrations for weddings, trumpet Christ’s birth on Christmas Eve, and lift the spirits of worshippers every Sunday morning.
Join us in preserving the rich musical heritage of Pasadena Community Church through the restoration of our treasured pipe organ.

Small & Mighty: $25 per pipe
The big pipes get all of the attention, but the hundreds of little pipes above and behind them fill the sanctuary with the music that lifts and inspires us. For as little as $25 you can sponsor one pipe, or you may sponsor the renovation of a whole section of small and mighty pipes!
Have a listen to the small but mighty pipes!

Standing Tall: $500
Imagine how proud you will feel to glance up at these majestic beauties and know you helped give them new life. The tall pipes have taken on a dull patina over the decades and will come back from the renovation process bright and beautiful.…
These tall pipes are part of the “flue” family. Each individual pipe is called a “flute.” Flutes can be tall or tiny. Some “harmonic flutes” have a hole at the half- way point of the body. The hole changes the pitch of the pipe to an octave above what one would hear from a “normal” open pipe of that length.
Have a listen to the standing tall pipes!

Mellow Wood: $100
The “open wood” and “stopped diapason” pipes flank the metal “principal” pipes on the PCC organ. The word, “diapason” which is pronounced di a pa son (die-ah-pay’-son), means “the outpouring of a rich sound.
Have a listen to the mellow wood pipes!

Console Club: $1,000
Donors at the Console Club level can know that they have given new life to the organ’s command center. It is connected to thousands of wires, electrical connections and an air handling system. Every note that fills the sanctuary is possible because of your investment.
It includes four keyboards, dozens of “stops” and foot pedals that the organist navigates throughout each musical passage.
Have a listen to the console club pipes!

“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”
– Martin Luther